Marketing publication Marketing Beat asked my opinion on what brands did right and did wrong on Black Friday and Cyber Monday went, here were my complete answers:
Done Right
Relevant Over All: Some took the opportunity to push deals across the most-relevant channels rather than spray and pray across every channel
Experimentation: Some companies experimented with TikTok shop and managed to capture plenty of attention for their key products
Less Is More: Some smart brands stood out by not sending any or too many communications. Many brands simply copied others, hindering themselves and hurting their performance
Done Wrong
Too Early, Too Often: I believe that most Marketers went too early, too often and confused the potential customers with so many messages
Multiple Sends A Day: So many brands sent multiple messages before and across the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period, many diluted their brand and hurt their email performance by sending many messages in one day
Killed Email & SMS: Our inboxes were flooded with “deals” and “offers” and what it meant was you were competing against everyone
Confusing & Unclear: Most deals were overly confusing and didn’t help the customer with their problems, changing the deals regularly created confusion.
Here is the full article with other marketing leaders insights