Hey guys, thanks for attending the content marketing workshop, I hope you got a number of ideas from it and can look to do something different for your next campaigns.
If you would like any specific information please email me at danny@dannydenhard.com
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Alternative Brands
- Sports: Warrior, Squawka, BT Sports, UFC
- Finance: MahiFX
- Travel: AirBnB
- Risque: Pornhub, Paddy Power
- Others: Beats by Dre (now Apple), Buffer Blog
- Email products: NYT Times Cooking, The Equaliser (RIP)
Great content marketing – video
- HBR Video – 5 porter’s forces: http://po.st/5porters
- Follow The Frog – http://po.st/ftfrog
- Chipotle http://po.st/scarecrow
- Fall Out Boy Video – http://po.st/fobinsta
Great content marketing – football
- BBC World Cup – http://po.st/wcintro
- World Cup of everything – http://po.st/wsjworldcup
- Matchstory / PA – http://po.st/matchstory
Great content marketing – business
- Staples Business Hub – http://po.st/staples
- WSJ billion club – http://po.st/billiondollarclub
- Bigger: Lego Movie – http://po.st/legomovie
- GoPro – http://po.st/goprocamera
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- “Content is of great importance, but we must not underestimate the value of style.” – Maya Angelou
- Not everything that counts can be counted. And not everything that can be counted, counts” – Albert Einstein
- Give them [the audience][/the] what they want, when the want it, in the form they want it in…- Kevin Spacey
The movie on marketing and energy drink as discussed “Syrup”
Content Marketing Decks to check out